Middle School Significantly Reduces Device Repair Expenses

June 18, 2024

Robert McReynolds used to send tickets in for device repairs every single day. As the Site Tech at Columbia Middle School in Aurora, Colorado, his school had the worst device repair rate of all schools in this expansive district.

Now, McReynolds estimates he has 90% less damage to devices.

A Change to Reduce Device Breakage

Students at Columbia Middle School used to transport devices to and from home every day. However, students weren’t keeping devices in good working condition. “Devices were found in the trash, in the bushes and in the street,” comments McReynolds.

The school district was experiencing substantial costs associated with repairing and replacing devices. They evaluated their process and decided to make a major change. The district eliminated the transportation of devices and instead now stores them in classrooms.

Primary Pain Points:

• Cost of device damage unsustainably high

• Daily tickets for device damage

• Time wasted in class remedying broken or uncharged devices


• Two Core16 Towers with Rollers placed in each classroom

• Devices stored in classrooms

• Devices do not travel between rooms

Reduced Repair, Reduced Expense

At CMS they placed two PowerGistics charging Towers and a set of devices in each of the core classes, such as English and math. Devices were assigned to students. Now, students use the devices while they are in a room, return them, and move on to the next class. Each device has about five students assigned to it, as each teacher has about five classes each day.

Regarding breakage, McReynolds comments “We were very high for a middle school; which is expected because of the development phase the kids are in. The PowerGistics Towers have slowed that down. We’ve cut it down at least 90%. It’s a lot!”

Regarding device damage, Maseo Grant, Innovative Technology Support Team, comments “We have much better storage and protection provided by the PowerGistics carts, and incidents of device damage have significantly decreased. I think we have only had one broken device since implementation.”

Time Savings and Efficiency for Teachers

Having the devices in the classroom cuts down on the device management that teachers used to spend time on. When students came with broken or missing devices, teachers had to take time out of a lesson to troubleshoot. Now, the devices are always there, and always charged. McReynolds says there is “…more of an efficient flow to classroom.”

“The PowerGistics Towers are very low maintenance. Some teachers don’t have the capacity to manage carts so it helps take away that burden. A lot of teachers are very happy with that,” comments McReynolds.

Compared to other charging stations at the school, Grant adds, “With the PowerGistics Chromebook carts, device distribution and collection have become much more efficient. Teachers and students can easily access and return Chromebooks, reducing downtime and maximizing instructional time.”

Managed Cables for Quicker Transitions and More Learning

Grant comments, “Charging cables were frequently tangled or misplaced, leading to frustration for both teachers and students. This resulted in downtime as users struggled to locate the necessary cables or untangle knots, disrupting classroom activities.”

With the new Towers he notes, “The cable management system in the PowerGistics carts eliminates tangled cords and reduces the time spent on setup and maintenance. Cables are neatly organized and are always ready for use.”

Eliminating Student Distraction

The change to in-house devices has helped with student behavior. With devices stored in the Towers, students no longer have them in backpacks. On days when teachers aren’t using the devices, McReynolds says, “It helps with students not getting distracted, and pulling devices out of their backpacks.”


• Damage to devices is significantly reduced, estimated up to 90%.

• Fewer device damage tickets are sent in daily.

• Devices are charged and ready for each class period.

• Minutes available for classroom learning are maximized.

Robert McReynolds, Site Tech, Columbia Middle School

Re-allocate Repair Costs

Maseo Grant, a critical thinker on the Innovative Technology Support Team concludes, “In terms of cost savings we have observed a substantial reduction in device damage and repair rates since implementing the PowerGistics Chromebook carts. This reduction translates to significant cost savings over time, allowing us to allocate resources more efficiently towards other educational initiatives.”

“We’re very happy with our PowerGistics,” says McReynolds.




Columbia Middle School is one of five middle schools in the Aurora Public School District outside of Denver, CO. The district serves over 38,000 students in grades P-12. The mission of the school is to accelerate learning for all students to develop the knowledge, skills and character necessary to shape successful futures.




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Core16 on Roller

A 16 shelf Tower with cord, locking front door and TechStop.  Roller attachment sold separately.

Image shows red state of Wisconsin shape. Text reads made in WisconsinLearn more about the Core16.



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