A Police Department Improves Safety with Individual Devices

October 15, 2021

Safety is of the utmost importance for the Olathe Police Department in Kansas.

Serving a population of 141,000 citizens in the metro Kansas City area, the department strives to provide exceptional services and programs. From mental health to car seat checks to community crime watch programs, health and safety are top of mind for the Olathe Police Department (OPD).

Primary Pain Points:

  • Needed central location to charge department-issued phones
  • Needed charging station that is sturdy and will last
  • Keeping phones and cords neat and organized

Benefits for Olathe Police Officers:

  • Open concept provides ease of charging devices
  • Inventory management time is reduced
  • A safe streamlined process for deploying and managing devices
  • Vertical and organized charging saves space while keeping cords hidden

Images shows two Olathe police officers in front of police carUsing individual phones

To help ensure safety, officers in Olathe use department-issued cell phones while on patrol. They use the phones to quickly and effectively communicate while on the job. In years past, the department’s set of 20 or so cell phones have been stored at the office, and used by those currently on patrol.This meant there was always a phone available to take on patrol, but also that phones were shared between officers.

Image shows Olathe Kansas police dept badgeOlathe Police Department started to take small steps to protect the health and safety of its own officers, and to keep COVID at bay. They quickly realized that sharing those cell phones between officers was not an ideal procedure for preventing the spread of germs. They started to do some research to find a solution and improve their cell phone use process.

The OPD started looking into solutions, and came to the conclusion that each officer would need to have a phone designated just for them.

A safe place to store and charge their new cell phones

Image shows three Olathe police officers looking at phonesBesides purchasing new cell phones, one for each officer, they also would need a place to charge and secure the phones. Previously, they had a series of phone chargers in wall plugs throughout an equipment room. This managed for the 20 or so phones that they had, but wouldn’t sustain the 80 more they were purchasing.

Image shows PowerGistics desktop charging station for 10 small tablets or phones

Using a COVID relief grant

Knowing they had grant money they could use, Mary Velasquez, Purchasing Coordinator for the department, started researching phone charging stations. They wanted something sturdy and durable that would last. They also wanted something that would not take up very much space.

Finding a solution

Velasquez found the PowerGistics TechStation10 on Amazon and thought it might just be their solution. They purchased one initially, and tried it out at the station for awhile. The officers were impressed with how sturdy the charging station was, and how it hid the cables out of sight. So the OPD went ahead and purchased nine more for a set of 10.

The OPD found a convenient location for their TechStation10’s, one that is easy for all officers going out on patrol to access. They stacked the charging stations and labeled each shelf with a number so that officers know which shelf is theirs. Extra open shelves were made available for the officers for future use.

Image shows 10 PowerGistics charging stations for small tablets or phone on a deskResults with Unexpected Benefits

The officers immediately fell into a rhythm with the charging station. It was easy to use, and the cables were out of sight and managed well. The department did not have to do any extra training as it was so intuitive.

As a bonus, they have realized that having a charging station available was perfect for officers who needed a place for a quick charge of their phone while sitting in the office writing reports, for example. Additionally, having phones assigned to individual officers means they take more responsibility and better care of their phones. This should result in cost savings, as the department won’t need to replace phones as often.

After purchasing phones for each officer and setting up their new charging stations, the Olathe Police Department is thoroughly pleased with the results. They have a sturdy, durable charging center for all department-issued phones. They have taken steps to keep officers safe and healthy, while improving their process for charging devices.

Olathe Police Department Kansas

Officers: 190 • Total Staff: 228


The Olathe Police Department is committed to providing exceptional services to the citizens of our community and develop positive relationships that will undoubtedly help prevent, reduce, and solve crime. We believe that the Olathe community is the most important partnership we have in helping to keep our city safe.

– Mike Butaud, Chief of Police

Image shows PowerGistics TechStation10 charging station

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Charge and store up to 10 tablets/mobile devices with USB charging.

Learn more about the TableTower8USB or the CellTower10.