Quicker Transitions Give Elementary School More Time for Academics

June 17, 2024

At Laredo Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado, Principal Jennie Todd emphasizes the value of every instructional minute. “We are minute to minute instruction here so anything we can do to keep the focus on the learning has been wonderful,” she states.

As a 1:1 school with devices kept at school, Todd recognizes the necessity for efficiency in daily technology use. “I have 435 young children accessing tech that can be difficult to maintain, difficult to keep safe, but is also important to their academic learning at this point,” she explains.

“Anything we can do to keep the focus on the learning has been wonderful.”

– Jennie Todd, Principal, Laredo Elementary School, Aurora, CO

Efficient Access for Student Devices

Student movement around the room is critical at the elementary level. Todd understands movement flow patterns of these young persons and how it positively impacts transition time and behavior issues.

Todd placed two PowerGistics charging Towers in each classroom in the summer of 2023. Since then she has noticed quicker transitions and more time available for student learning. “Teachers make good decisions about where they put the PowerGistics carts in the classrooms to cut down on transition times.”

Primary Pain Points:

• One location to access devices

• Traffic jams during device return and retrieval

• Teachers managing cords and station


• Two Core16 Towers with Rollers placed in each classroom

• Students are split when accessing devices

• Students manage cords

She adds, “How young children move throughout a classroom is a big deal for them. When we only had one location for Chromebooks, it was frustrating and cumbersome for kids to get the important tech they needed. It wasn’t serving the students well.”

When accessing devices at one of the two Towers, students can do so quickly. With colors for quick shelf identification, Todd says the colors help students “eyeball their shelf quickly to put it away.”

“As the principal I would rather teachers spend time planning, assessing, doing
anything that serves their students academically.”

– Jennie Todd, Principal, Laredo Elementary School, Aurora, CO

Teachers Focus on Student Academics

Principal Todd understands the importance of time for her teachers, too. “As the principal I would rather they spend time planning, assessing, doing anything that serves their students academically.”

“It is a huge lift on teachers to get the Chromebooks organized and keep them charged in there. The teachers are loving that they don’t have to deal with the cords and hardware mishaps that can happen with Chromebooks and that management anymore. And they can again focus where they need to be focusing for their kids.” Maseo Grant, Innovative Technology Support Team, comments

“The Towers are user-friendly, making it simple for our staff and students to access and return Chromebooks as needed. Its intuitive design minimizes the time and effort required for device management, allowing us to focus more on teaching and learning.”

Learning to Take Care of Tech

With the charging Towers in place, students are learning a lesson even if they don’t realize it. Todd comments, “If nothing else, with PowerGistics they are learning about the necessity to take care of devices, that there are ways we can take care of devices. We don’t just throw them in somewhere. Everything has a specific place. Everything can get charged. Even if it’s not explicit learning, it’s implicit learning. This is how we take care of our things.”


• Transitions are faster

• More time is available for learning

• Teachers can focus on lessons and teaching

“We’ve only had 2 Chromebook incidents since getting PowerGistics and that had to do with students carrying them around the classroom and not with putting them away.”

“When it comes down to organization and them being able to quickly and easily access something that is very important to their academics, that’s what made PowerGistics so attractive,” concludes Todd.

“The teachers are loving that they don’t have to deal with the cords.”

-Jennie Todd, Principal, Laredo Elementary School, Aurora, CO


Laredo Elementary School is a public school in Aurora, Colorado that serves students in grades PK–5. Core values of this school include high  expectations, equity and a growth mindset.

“Our ultimate goal is to serve your children in reaching their greatest potential.”

-Jennie Todd, Principal, Laredo Elementary School, Aurora, CO

PowerGistics Roller1216 with Core16


Download the Case Study PDF

Core16 on Roller

A 16 shelf Tower with cord, locking front door and TechStop.  Roller attachment sold separately.


Learn more about the Core16.