7 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Workplace Productivity

September 28, 2022

Employee productivity is everything. Business owners will do all they can to keep workers motivated and engaged, and this involves using the appropriate technology during the 40-hour workweek.

What does using technology to improve efficiency in the workplace look like?

Keep reading to learn how to use technology in the workplace to increase productivity and ensure your team’s levels stay at an all-time high.

1. Utilize Group Chat Applications

It’s important that your workers stay in the loop. While email is convenient, high-priority messages can sometimes get lost or end up in the spam folder. For more streamlined responses, you can find a plethora of free applications online to enhance communication between departments.

With platforms like Slack, immediate questions are answered quickly, and users can see whether someone read their message to stay on top of who has what information. Group chat applications ensure everyone has access to the information they need when they need it, keeping workplace productivity high.

2. Oversee Projects

Project management software is convenient for in-office and remote teams. How can this technology be used to improve and develop work? Managers can delegate tasks for large projects by assigning responsibilities to specific employees.

Follow deadlines and see who is working on certain tasks with apps like Trello and Asana.

3. Track Employee Time

Manual time cards tell you little about what employees are doing during the workday. One of the ways to use technology to improve workplace productivity is to switch to time-tracking software like Clockify, Hubstaff or Toggl. You and your employees can monitor productivity reports to see whether time management improvements are in order.

4. Share Files Via the Cloud

Sharing online files across the company is one of the best ways to improve productivity in the workplace. Cloud-based applications like Google Drive let you upload, download and share files in seconds.

Your staff can eliminate complications during the work week with the opportunity to send important documents to users anywhere in the world. Workers also encounter fewer hurdles in case someone is out sick or unavailable, and company files stay safe in the event of a hardware malfunction.

5. Ensure Company Devices Are Accessible

One of the easiest ways to improve productivity in the workplace is ensuring company devices are accessible at all times. Businesses must have the right tools to store, charge and distribute devices. If your workers use company-owned technology in the office, solutions made by PowerGistics ensure your investments are available when departments need them.

Ensure company devices are accessible at all times

How can our technology increase efficiency in a business? The answer is simple. Our charging and storage Towers are designed for industry-standard Chromebooks, tablets and laptops. Place devices within their individual slots and use the corresponding chargers to ensure your technology has enough battery power for the next user.

Our solutions prevent you from relying on traditional carts that take up office space. You’ll keep your devices safe and eliminate concerns about tangled wires when you use our Towers for effortless charging.

Cable Management Made Easy

6. Simplify Small Daily Tasks

All employees partake in small, mundane tasks that take a few seconds or minutes a day. You might not notice how much time is spent accomplishing these tedious tasks, but over the course of a few months, it adds up.

Technology helps simplify these tasks to improve workplace productivity. By eliminating unnecessary extra steps in the process, you can also help to prevent employee stress. For instance, password management tools can grant them access to files or systems that are password-protected without them needing to ask for the passwords every time.

These tools will increase your data security while saving your employees time and energy so they can direct it to more important duties.

7. Create an Environment for Strong Collaboration

Technology promotes collaboration by allowing for more innovative venues for communication, creativity and problem-solving between employees.

Simple tools, such as note-taking technology, can record the collaborative sessions between employees to track your progress without you needing to. These tools allow team members to discuss their new ideas or brainstorm solutions without needing to pause to track these items. As a result, you’ll increase your workplace productivity and bring more and more ideas into the conversation.

Most of these technological tools can be accessed across several devices, allowing employees to discuss ideas wherever they’re located. You might hold virtual meetings whether employees are working from home, in transit or in the office using tools like Google Meet, Skype or Zoom. These platforms allow for a heightened sense of connectivity and teamwork.

Adopting collaborative technology into your day-to-day operations allows for more productivity and motivation for employees to put in their best efforts.

The Benefits of PowerGistics for Businesses

Now that you’ve learned how to improve productivity with technology, look no further than PowerGistics for your business’s devices. Our portable device charging and storage units provide a range of benefits for your company, including:

  • Money savings: A cord management system means wires won’t be tugged on or damaged, and horizontal shelving ensures devices stay in place. This way, you protect the devices from falling, which can cost thousands to replace.
  • Space savings: Our charging and storage units take up minimal space and can be mounted vertically to a wall to make them a fixture in your office. The storage carts mean you can keep all devices in one spot and prevent tangled or unsightly wires from taking up office space.
  • Versatility: Appreciate a charging station that you can wall-mount, place on a stand to be free-standing or mount on a roller to be mobile. Keep your tower wherever you need it to ensure all employees have access to it.
  • Time savings and increased productivity: When you have easy access to your technology, you can appreciate hassle-free operations, easier management and improved workplace productivity. Even 10 minutes of lost time can add up to a large loss. With PowerGistics, every device is fully charged daily to prevent interruptions and save you time in the workplace.

Buy PowerGistics Charging Towers Today

Technology can vastly improve your productivity by saving you time and promoting collaboration in the workplace. Time savings will lead to money savings as you keep your employees motivated and engaged throughout the workday. That’s why it’s essential to keep your devices charged and ready to go at all times.

PowerGistics products are backed by a lifetime warranty, and all models are produced in the USA. We make charging and storage Towers in custom colors to match your company’s branding standards.

Review our Tower products for businesses to learn more about their specifications, or complete a form to receive pricing information on our products.

Our charging solutions for businesses

Further Reading

Pros and Cons of Buying Your Employees Company Laptops

How to Create a Laptop Loaner Program

Office Technology Trends

What Is a Hybrid Work Schedule?

9 Ways to Keep Employees Safe in the Office

6 Ways to Improve Your IT Team’s Productivity