Do you have a new PowerGistics charging station in your classroom?

Check out some Tips and Best Practices!


Image shows a girl unplugging device from PowerGistics charging TowerGoals:

  1. 100% successful student management!

  2. When applicable, each student is assigned their own device and unique charging shelf/slot.

    1. When students know it’s their device, they treat it with more care.
    2. Opportunity to teach ownership, accountability, and responsibility.
    3. Quickly identify who caused intentional device damage (keys picked off, for example)
  3. An efficient, enjoyable, and quick device return and retrieval EVERY time.

Cable Setup Tips

  • If you need to adjust the length of the cable at the end of the shelf, gently pull the cable from the spine of the unit.
  • Make sure the pinch point cable management is secured.
  • To learn more, visit our Cable Management page that has a video tutorial!


  • Think of the flow of the classroom. Place the charging stations in different areas (or spaced apart) at a height accessible to students.
    • Spacing charging stations helps prevent traffic jams.
    • This saves time, reduces dropped devices, and limits opportunities for students to get off task.
    • Consider giving the different stations fun names, like elephant and cheetah, for example.
  • Plug the charging stations directly into the wall. Do not plug into another power strip or extension cord. Do not plug a PowerGistics charging station into the same wall outlet as a non-PowerGistics charging station. Safety!

Assigning Devices and Shelves

  • Consider labeling the device with the student’s name using an easy to remove adhesive label.
  • Consider labeling the device with the same color label as their shelf assignment, such as the Avery 5472 easy to remove circle stickers.
  • Assign students a number with corresponding color. Make a master list matching students to their number and color shelf assignment.  To download pre-made blank sheets for student shelf assignments check out our Printables page.

Using the Shelves

  • Keep the same shelf assignments all year. If a new student is added, don’t rearrange the entire list, assign an open shelf.
  • For young students, consider labeling the shelf with their name or picture too.
  • Use the shelves to store devices when not being used, regardless if they need a charge. This reduces device damage at the desk.

Using the Colors

  • Colors + Numbers help students remember their shelf better.
  • Send students by color group to collect and return devices. Red group first, green group second, etc.
  • Collaborative groups – ask red group to work with blue group, etc. Assign groups by numbers, too.
  • If a device is not returned, quickly identify which student’s device is missing by the color/number assignment.

Training Students - 3 Rules to Avoid Damage to Devices

1. Always use two hands when carrying, collecting, and returning your device.


2. DO hold the charging port head when unplugging and plugging back in.


3. Do NOT pull the charging port by the cable when unplugging the cable.