1:1 and Devices Going Home with Students

Strategy with this Model

Every student is assigned their own device and wall charger. The student is responsible for taking the device back and forth from school, and is expected to charge it to 100% every night. Battery life is expected to last the full school day.

Advantages of this Model

  • Students have access to devices at home to complete homework assignments.
  • If students (or parents) ensure devices are charged every night, districts don’t have to spend budget on or manage charging stations at school.
    Students learn responsible behavior for transporting and take care of devices.

Challenges with this Model

  • Students don’t consistently bring their devices to school charged, or forget them altogether.
  • Damage occurs to student devices while at home and on the way back and forth from school to home.
  • Districts may need to provide WiFi for students who don’t have it at home.
  • Classtime is often wasted when teachers or IT need to troubleshoot damaged, forgotten or uncharged devices.


  • Districts should consider providing a backup charging solution for devices that return to school uncharged.
  • Districts should consider providing loaner devices for students whose devices were forgotten or are damaged.
  • A solution with excellent cable management and easy access to devices makes the troubleshooting process quicker, saving classtime.

Other Considerations

  • Students that are housing insecure or homeless may not have consistent access to electricity to charge their devices at night. 
  • Some students may not feel safe with an electronic device at home. 
  • Students may not feel safe transporting a device back and forth from school.
  • Some parents don’t want devices at the home for varied reasons, such as limiting screen time or not wanting to be responsible for accidental damage.
Images shows PowerGistics charging station on wall in school commons

Centralized Backup Charging Aids the Take-home Model

Ready how North Boone School District provides backup charging for students taking devices home.

PowerGistics Time Machine charging station

Time Machine

The Time Machine was designed for the take home model.  The included four power banks charge overnight and are easy for teachers to quickly hand to students to keep them working at their desk. The unit also includes two shelves for loaner devices for students whose devices are damaged or were forgotten at home.

Learn more about the Time Machine.

Image shows a PowerGistics Desktop6 Plus charging station next to a window

District Solution for Students Forgetting to Charge Devices

Read how a district in New York provided a charging solution in each classroom for students who forgot to charge their device at home.

PowerGistics Desktop6 Plus charging station

Desktop6 Plus

The Desktop6 Plus provides a solution for charging up to six devices.  With a standard power strip, students can place devices in the Tower to get the charge needed on their laptops or Chromebooks.

This unit also could be used for loaner devices.  Keep a few loaners in the charging station so students can keep working with the class.

Learn more about the Desktop6 Plus or the TableTower8.