Shared Devices

Strategy with this Model

Students are not assigned their own devices with this model.  Most often with this model class sets of devices are brought into classrooms and used just for the time period needed.  The set of devices might then be brought into another classroom for another part of the day.

Advantages of this Model

  • Districts budget for less spend on devices and charging stations.
  • Devices are kept at school and are not transported back and forth to and from home, reducing device damage or misplacement.
  • For learn-from-home days, districts are not expected to send devices or chargers home with students.
  • With fewer devices, inventory is simpler.

Challenges with this Model

  • Classrooms needs to sign up for time to use the devices.
  • Time available to use devices is limited, making teachers adjust lesson plans accordingly.
  • Charging stations are often moved from room to room, which is time consuming and can be difficult.


  • Choose charging stations that move more easily, analyzing the wheels and structure for easy mobility.
  • Make the most of classtime with devices by setting up an efficient deployment system, including assigned devices and organized cables.

Easy to Move

"The PowerGistics carts are very sturdy. I can have a 1st grader move a PowerGistics cart. I don't have to worry about them falling over or tipping over. They are solid. That's really important. Those wheels aren't wiggling like with some of those older carts that we had. These are really easy to move. That has been a very good benefit."
Jennifer Bailey, Library/Media Specialist, Holy Hill Area School District

Look for a solution with robust wheels that makes it easy for young students to move.  This can save time and give students confidence when it’s their turn to move the device set.

A small footprint makes it even easier to transport class sets of devices through doorway thresholds.  Watch Wade talk about how the legs on Rollers are specially designed.

Learn more about the Core Series.