The Definitive Guide For K-12 Classroom Device Deployment – Chapter Six

6. Classroom Devices during  COVID-19

Who would have imagined the impact of a global pandemic on education? 

Teachers, families, and learners are experiencing circumstances that require flexibility, patience, and grace.  Some districts continue to hold classes in person yet need to have supports in place for quarantining.  Some schools are totally virtual, and many are doing both.  What does that mean for digital device implementation and management?


Students will be either carrying their device or accessing it from a charging solution.  Consider how to safely manage the flow of accessing and returning devices with social distancing and sanitization standards.  Here is another eBook that dives deeply into this topic:

If you are sending devices home, here are some considerations: 

• Set up a help desk call center for families
• Train help staff on software to manage a device off site
• Create a plan of safety protocols to drop off and pick up devices in need of repair
• Plan for sanitizing devices before repair
• Have portable access points available for families in need of internet access

The Do’s & Don’ts for Safe Classroom Device Deployment



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