The Definitive Guide For K-12 Classroom Device Deployment – Conclusion and Resources


Today, we may use the term “digital learning” but in a matter of time, sooner than later, digital learning will be synonymous with learning; a digital device will always be part of the learning experience. It is truly amazing when students, with guidance, are empowered to leverage a digital device that has the ability to break down barriers, provide scaffolds, and support each learner. When we create the conditions for learners to know how they learn and what they need to be successful, we have empowered them to be lifelong learners. The students of today are our leaders of the future. Empowering today will foster communities of innovation and equity.

I hope this playbook is a helpful tool for a successful digital implementation.
Best, Beth Clarke and the PowerGistics Team

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“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology
in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.”
George Couros

Resource Links

Chapter 1: Leadership

Future Ready Schools Framework

Plan Tracker Spreadsheet Template

Vision Implementation Building Tool – Simplified

-Example School’s Vision Implementation

Implementation School Tool – Word/Doc version

-Example School’s Implementation Plan

Implementation Building Tool:  Excel/Sheets version

Digital Implementation Guidance

Building a Digital Culture Assessment

Chapter 5: Charging & Managing Devices

Digital Classroom Implementation Checklist

Device Use Poster

Student Digital Learning Expectations

PBIS Digital Matrix

iPad Hero Expectations

Chapter 6: Classroom Devices During COVID

Rethink the Cart – Applying CDC Guidance

Chapter 7: Classroom Communities & Family

Check out the Triple E Framework

Digital Citizenship

ISTE – Digital Citizenship

Chapter 8:

Implementation Guidance

Data Analysis Protocol


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Table of Contents