What Is a Hybrid Work Schedule?

June 6, 2022

A hybrid work schedule combines traditional in-office days with work-from-home options for employees. It offers a flexible, convenient solution to the modern workday, providing benefits of collaboration in the office and the flexibility of remote work.

Hybrid work has risen in popularity as business owners see the benefits of both remote and in-office work.

Advantages of a Hybrid Work Schedule

Many companies have adopted the hybrid work approach. It’s a great strategy to give employees more freedom, save on office costs, expand options for talent and promote flexibility within the company. Here are some reasons why hybrid options work.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Today, companies strive more than ever to offer benefits for their employees. Employees expect a company culture that aligns with their ideals and is committed to providing various work options. A hybrid work approach is an excellent way to satisfy employees and attract fresh talent.

While a total shift to in-office work could be jarring to some workers, a hybrid option allows employees to gradually ease back into life in the office without sacrificing all the habits and strategies they undertook while being remote.

Save Money

Another advantage of instituting a hybrid work schedule is that it can reduce costs. You can spend less on office supplies, maintenance and overhead costs. With remote options, employees can work from home even if they’re sick and are usually more satisfied with their company, which reduces absenteeism and turnover.

Expand Your Talent Acquisition

Traditional offices often reduce a company’s hiring options, requiring them to find employees who are already in the area or are willing to move to a new place. Forcing an employee on-site all the time often deters young and talented workers from joining a team. On the other hand, hybrid options allow a company to dramatically expand its talent acquisition and look for workers from all over.

Promote Flexibility

Good companies adapt to the times. Hybrid work options are one of the best ways to show that your company is committed to being flexible and realistic about the future of work.

Improve Productivity

While some people may like the traditional option of being in the office, others operate better in their own home environment. Being in a safe place away from the distractions of co-workers in the office may improve many employees’ productivity. Giving workers the option of finding that ideal spot to work can help move the company forward.

Managing a Hybrid Work Schedule

Starting out, converting your company to a hybrid work schedule may seem challenging. If you can execute it the right way, hybrid work can have many advantages for you and your employees. Here are some steps you can take to integrate a hybrid work schedule into your company.

Determine Hybrid Options

One of the first things you’ll want to do is determine how you’ll put parameters around your hybrid options. Announcing that your company is going hybrid is a start, but employees will want to know how this will work. Narrow down your options and decide which will be best for you and your workers. Some common types include:

  • Groups: Split your team up into groups and set a schedule for when these various groups will come into the office. This ensures that you’ll still have great collaboration in the office with people in similar disciplines.
  • Half and half: Your employees are in the office half of the time and remote the other half. This is a popular and effective option for many companies — it still retains the benefits of traditional office work while adapting to modern standards.
  • Remote first: In this hybrid strategy, the default working option is remote. That means employees primarily work remotely but can come to the office. Even though remote work has become hugely popular, some employees may still want the option of being in the office.
  • Pick and choose: As its name implies, this strategy allows employees to pick the hybrid model they want. They can choose a flex option where they’re in the office a few days out of the week, be fully remote or office-based. Pick and choose options give employees the freedom to decide where they want to be. In turn, this can boost productivity and overall employee satisfaction.

Identify Eligible Employees

You also need to consider who will be eligible for these hybrid options. Is it for everyone at the company or only senior employees? Be sure to decide how you choose who gets to have a hybrid schedule.

One common way employers determine this is through seniority. For example, those who have been in the company for three or more years may have the option to choose which days they come into the office and which they work from home. This will also create an incentive to stay loyal to the company. Make sure to choose an eligibility requirement and stick to it.

Make Policies

Once you’ve determined which option you’re giving employees, it’s time to create specific parameters and look at the logistics. Here are some various aspects to keep in mind:

  • Employee compensation: Think about how employee compensation will change whether they’re working remotely or in the office. If employees are fully remote, they may require differing pay based on where they live. Think about how your hybrid strategy will factor into negotiations with employees and find a compromise for both parties.
  • Performance tracking: With a hybrid approach, workers have more freedom to work when they want and where they want. If they choose to work from home, some distractions could impact productivity. Be sure to set goals for workers so they can keep an eye on the target. Work from home training programs can also help remote workers craft strategies to stay on task.
  • Equality between remote and in-office workers: If you go with a hybrid approach, you may also want to think about the equality between remote workers and those in the office. Will you base promotions and raises strictly on merit, or will people in the office have an advantage by simply being in the office? Think about how those factors will affect employees and equality in the workplace.

These specific parameters outline the hybrid plan so employees have clear boundaries. Some may feel left out if they aren’t in the office — try to get the right tools to your remote workers so they can be as effective as if they were in the office.

Establish Communication Tactics

When it comes to hybrid work environments, one of the most common issues is communication. As you establish a hybrid culture, it’s important to ask yourself how you will streamline communication when some people are in the office and others are at home.

Consider investing in communication software and tools that give employees one standard way to transmit information to one another. Setting a universal standard is very beneficial — everyone will be on the same page and know how to communicate something urgent.

You can also consider setting a set time when everyone should be working — from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central time, for example. This model gives employees a window where they know everyone is working, allowing them to ask questions, collaborate and get information whether they’re in the office or working remotely. You can still retain that sense of community and collaboration while also allowing employees to have their freedom.

Ask for Feedback

As a business owner, you want to make sure everyone at the company feels heard. Ask for feedback from your employees to understand how the hybrid options are working. This can be in the form of a company-wide survey, or it could be some simple conversations in the office or on video calls. Try to get a sense of how the transition is going and use this feedback to make any necessary changes.

If you run a large company, there will always be people opposed to some transitions — and that’s all right. Try to use that feedback to make life a little better for all of your employees. With the proper feedback, you can help everyone be as productive as possible.

Gather Data and Adapt

When you first institute a hybrid approach, it can be like a trial strategy. You can see what works and what doesn’t, what needs to be changed and what can stay the same. The key is to gather data about the hybrid work environment and make the necessary changes. After all, the hybrid approach is still relatively new, so it’s important to stay flexible and open-minded and make changes as they arise.

Equipment to Support Your Hybrid Model

One of the keys to making a smooth transition to a hybrid work model is to get the right equipment. With the right tools, employees can effectively collaborate and communicate in the office. Although you may not be able to dictate the office space employees set up in their own homes, you can craft an office that provides effective, innovative tools to help employees meet goals.

Hot Desking

One way employers are integrating the hybrid approach is with hot desking. Hot desking refers to the method of a first-come, first-served type of seating in an office where workers can sit wherever they’d like. This method cuts costs and allows people the flexibility to work in various areas of the office and collaborate with many different people.

Hot desking cuts out the traditional design of strict seating methods and brings adaptability into the office.

Communication Software

Establish a central hub where employees can communicate and collaborate with one another, even if they’re in different places. Communication should be one of your main focuses when it comes to bridging the gap between remote and in-office workers.

Develop a strategy for any problems that may arise with your remote teams — investing in communication software may help streamline remote collaboration within your company.

Charging Carts

One new trend has been rising in workplaces — charging carts. These carts can hold laptops, tablets and even phones. They create a central storage space where employees can get laptops to use at the office. Using charging carts is a convenient, effective way to eliminate waste around the office and boost productivity. Employees can easily grab a device, use it and charge it so it’s ready for the next person to use.

Ensure you find a reliable company to supply device carts for hybrid work models. PowerGistics provides quality charging carts that can help your workplace operate effectively.

Browse PowerGistics Products

PowerGistics is the company you need to make your hybrid approach succeed. We offer various charging towers that can simultaneously store and charge laptops, tablets and phones in your office. Invest in these products to receive many advantages, including:

  • Convenience: Charging towers are a great solution to modern problems in the workplace. For example, with hot desking, employees need portable devices to work at different stations and with different people. Placing carts in various places around the office allows employees to easily access these devices to get work done. Instead of leaving devices around the office or finding them without charge, you can use charging carts to keep them safe, secure and at full battery.
  • Innovation: PowerGistics uses cutting-edge technology to craft the best charging carts. With a modern aesthetic, a TechStop to keep devices at the front of the compartment and germ-fighting materials, our products use innovative designs to improve productivity and keep devices safe.
  • Security: You can choose products that come with keyed locks to protect your devices at all times. You’ll also be able to see all the devices in your charging station to know how many are available with a quick glance.
  • Quality: PowerGistics products are made from quality materials to increase longevity and durability. Invest in a product you can rely on for a long time.

With these benefits and more, you can use PowerGistics products to power your hybrid approach. Browse through our selection of charging stations to find the product that fits your situation.

Request Pricing Today

Switching to a hybrid approach can be challenging. It involves many moving parts and logistics, which you have to manage as a business owner. It’s important to find those brands and quality products to make the process go more smoothly.

PowerGistics can help. We offer charging cart products that vary in size and design. You can even customize the color scheme to have it match your company’s logo. You can choose from stationary and mobile carts to wheel around your office to your desired spot. Whatever product you choose, these charging carts can help your employees stay productive in the office and allow your company to achieve its goals. Request pricing today!

Further Reading

Pros and Cons of Buying Your Employees Company Laptops

7 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Workplace Productivity

How to Create a Laptop Loaner Program

Office Technology Trends

9 Ways to Keep Employees Safe in the Office

6 Ways to Improve Your IT Team’s Productivity