Home Charging Stations Bring Home Comforts

December 18, 2020

PowerGistics Expands Product Set

By Nathan Roberts, President, PowerGistics

2020 looks set to end on a positive note, with an end in sight to the Coronavirus pandemic that has had an unprecedented impact across the world.

We have been proud to see our charging Towers used by hospitals in the US and UK.  They help frontline healthcare providers use mobile technology to provide better care – and to keep patients connected when they have been so cruelly forced apart.image contains 2 girls on phone and laptop

And while the education sector may be unrecognizable to this time a year ago, the COVID-19 vaccine brings with it renewed hope that classrooms will return to normal in the New Year.

Before the pandemic (if we can recall such a time) there was a significant increase in the number of mobile devices in any given household.  Since the pandemic began this number has surely grown, with students learning virtually and parents working from home.  From laptops, to tablets to smartphones, it is estimated that the average American home has an average of 11 connected devices.

This has had a profound impact on the way people connect, do business and communicate with one another. But with all of this disruption, it is almost heartening to know that one thing in the American household has stayed the same. How do we keep things tidy?

Innovative Solution to Today’s Home Charging Needs

It is on the back of this trend that we have brought two new home charging stations to market, providing the means to charge and store mobile devices in one safe and secure place.image contains PowerGistics Home Hub charging station for laptops tablets devices

We genuinely want to bring space and organization to the home, but also a sense of quality and style. All PowerGistics products are built to last, with years of learnings from rugged environments like hospitals and schools.  But through high-quality materials and a choice of colors, our Towers will bring a softer feel to the home.

The Home Hub and Home Hub USB are both available on Amazon Prime, just in time for the holidays. The charging stations will keep unsightly cords hidden, and keep devices protected and charged.  This brings comfort to the whole family, keeping devices organized and countertops free from clutter.

One thing is for sure, 2020 has been a year that has accelerated a lot of change.

We have a history of innovation at this company and will never stop bringing new products and solutions to market to meet the changing needs of our society.