Increase Classroom Productivity with PowerGistics Towers

May 17, 2020

PowerGistics Towers classroom sets make storage and management of Chromebooks straightforward and easy

See how PowerGistics is saving teachers time and stress in the classroom.


“This is going to cut deployment time in half.” Andrew PetersonThird Grade Teacher, Milton School District.

Milton Schools logo

Milton School District
Students: 3,476 • Staff: 610
Average Class Size: 20 Students
Operating 8 schools
Milton, Wisconsin


• Lack of visibility meant some devices were damaged or left uncharged
• Tangled cords and cart clutter wasted valuable time and lead to frustration
• Time spent on device distribution wasn’t efficient and resulted in student bottle-necking at cart sites

Product Solution



Primary pain points with the previous cart setup:

  • Bottle-neck at the cart
  • Devices left uncharged
  • Poor cord management
  • Waste of valuable space and teaching  time

Towers benefits for Milton IT and faculty:

  • Open concept provides ease of tracking & charging devices
  • Split deployment reduces student bottle-necking
  • Built-in cable management provides better organization and quicker deployment

As a teacher in the Columbus, WI school district Andrew Peterson’s classroom relied on PowerGistics Towers to keep their student’s devices charged and safe. It wasn’t until he moved to the Milton School district in Wisconsin that he realized how much of an impact these Towers had on his classroom and teaching time. Peterson explains “[using Towers by PowerGistics] The cord management was amazing. It was so easy to have students get their own devices. I had two Towers in my classroom, and I could send students in groups to get their devices, and there was never any confusion or tangled cords. With the cart, kids get confused. They all go to the same spot, it’s a lot of frustration and a lot of time.”

Students weren’t the only ones feeling frustrated. Peterson goes on to describe how teachers in Milton are currently managing cords. “There isn’t any built-in cable management, so we use binder clips. You try to get three cords in per clip and it just gets to be a mess. Cords get pulled out and tangled, and it isn’t always easy to see if all the devices are plugged in. By the end of the year you’re just so frustrated you give up.” Not only does this cable management cost teachers time outside of class, but class time is also wasted. When devices aren’t properly plugged in they often miss out on a full charge–causing students to miss valuable instruction time.



Image shows girl unplugging device that's in a PowerGistic charging station

“The cord management was amazing. It was so easy to have students get their own devices. I had two Towers in my classroom, and I could send students in groups to get their devices, and there was never any confusion or tangled cords. I am looking forward to having them in this new classroom too.” 

Switching to PowerGistics

Now that Mr. Peterson has PowerGistics Towers in his Milton classroom, he is excited to focus more on instruction and save time on device deployment in his classroom. “This is going to cut deployment time in half,” says Peterson. With students empowered to manage their own devices, deployment is more efficient and devices can safely be put away to charge while not in use.

Milton school district’s transition from a cart to Towers was a simple one. PowerGistics Towers are designed for ease-of-use and setup, as well as flexibility–meaning they easily adapt to the changing needs of a modern classroom. With some Towers taking as little as 10 minutes to set up, PowerGistics Towers save teachers and IT staff time from the moment they arrive.

As Andrew Peterson’s third-grade classroom continues to grow and evolve, his PowerGistics Towers will be able to change with it. PowerGistics offers a tower solution that can fit any need. From USB charging capabilities to wall mounting or even a mobile stand, PowerGistics fits perfectly with any space or device.

PowerGistics Core12 charging stationPowerGistics’ smart, durable charging and storage solutions are saving teachers time and stress, making sure students are getting the most out of their instructional time. By empowering students to manage their own devices, countless hours of class time are saved and students are able to get back on task quickly.

Download the Case Study PDF

Learn More about the Core12 charging stations.