The Importance of Connectivity in Healthcare

June 8, 2020

By Debbie Preece

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need for people to unite in order to defeat a truly worldwide enemy. Among the immeasurable tragedy, there have been so many examples of individuals, families, and entire communities coming together for the greater good. One very notable example is the inspirational Captain Tom Moore, who raised in excess of £30 million with a pledge to walk a hundred laps of his garden before his 100th birthday.

At PowerGistics, we share that sense of social responsibility and in the UK have been donating products to a number of hospitals in London and beyond. Among them are the fantastic Royal Marsden and St Bartholomew’s, who have received our Tech Hub 6 storage towers.

The purpose of the donation was simple; the NHS is experiencing an influx of mobile devices on hospital wards, yet for staff, this can create an extra headache when considering how to safely store, charge and keep track of these devices. This is a significant investment for often cash-strapped NHS Trusts, but this should not add pressure to frontline staff already stretched by the war against coronavirus.

We knew we could help solve this issue through our products, which have been designed to meet the challenge of charging, storing, and securing technology safely in hospitals.

The Tech Hub 6 provides a unique solution to all of these problems, but what has been even more heartening is the personal impact it has had for patients. In speaking with those hospitals, it has become clear that another major benefit is in enabling patients tragically removed from families and friends on isolation wards to keep in touch. Mobile devices in the healthcare sector aren’t just about improving patient diagnosis, or staff handover, but in connecting people. And in a time of crisis, that is simply crucial.

“During the coronavirus pandemic, smart devices such as phones and tablets have played a key role in keeping friends and family connected, no more so than in our hospitals. This donation from PowerGistics UK has proven invaluable to our clinical teams, allowing them to quickly and safely access their devices whilst working on the COVID-19 frontline. It has made a very big difference” Justin Creigh, Interim Chief Executive at St Bartholomew’s Hospital

That final sentence feels particularly poignant. To be able to make a difference to patients and their families is exactly why PowerGistics has such a keen focus on the healthcare industry.

Though there is a long way to go, we are seeing the green shoots of recovery and will continue to support those frontline caregivers doing such fantastic work in hospitals across the UK.

Find out more about how we’re helping healthcare organisations work in a quicker, safer, and more efficient way at

Further Reading

Ensuring the Future of Healthcare Technology