Ensuring the Future of Healthcare Technology

November 30, 2020

A Digital Step Forward for Healthcare

Though Covid-19 has affected every industry over the past year, one in particular stands out: healthcare. Hospitals are facing a once-in-a-lifetime challenge as resources have been stretched to the limit. Frontline workers the world over have valiantly grappled with the consequences of the pandemic.  They’ve made use of every tool in their arsenal to provide excellent patient care.

As immense pressure has been placed on healthcare systems, new innovations have come to the fore. Digitally enabled aids have risen to meet this newfound demand, and mobile internet devices are proving themselves to be more valuable than ever before. PowerGistics is one company that can help to not only tackle the difficulties of the ongoing pandemic, but also empower the digital future of health services across the globe.

Supporting the NHS

In times of crisis, healthcare workers need to be able to work quickly and efficiently, and this is where innovative digital products come in. PowerGistics towers provide a safe, wire-free space where hospital employees can store and charge healthcare technology devices such as phones, tablets, Chromebooks and laptops.

PowerGistics techhub6 charging stationEarlier this year PowerGistics donated charging and storage Towers for mobile devices to three NHS trusts across London. The TechHub6 storage desktop units ensured that hospital iPads and phones could be fully charged and located easily. This meant doctors, nurses and other hospital workers saved valuable time.

An unforeseen advantage of these digital-friendly products also arose in Covid-19 wards.  Patients could use the Towers for their own devices while they were separated from their loved ones. While in quarantine, this small support made a big impact when it came to patient wellbeing.

A global outlook

Screenshot of a Morgan Stanley article about COVID-19 & healthcare

Moving from the UK to the US, similar implementation of these digital products could prove equally beneficial. Morgan Stanley said earlier this year that while the Covid-19 crisis highlighted flaws in the US healthcare system, it also “underscored the benefits of streamlined regulation and innovation in areas such as telemedicine and digital health technologies”.

A forward-thinking approach is vital in order to navigate this challenging period, making use of every digital aid on offer. Hospitals in the US, and indeed across the globe, could benefit from the range of benefits offered by PowerGistics Towers.

PowerGistics mobile charging towerThese towers save time, thanks to well-managed power cables.  Additionally, the open door design means workers can quickly ensure that healthcare technology devices are fully charged. In terms of hygiene, the individual trays reduce the possibility of cross-contamination and an antimicrobial coating can also cut down on potential microorganism growth. Lastly, these products save space, meaning more room for beds and vital medical equipment.

On a personal level, families based in larger countries such as the US may be more spread out geographically.  They therefore rely on digital products to stay connected. Something as small as a charging tower that ensures their device is safe and workable can go a long way.

A doctor holding a tabletOverall, products that save time and boost patient morale are key in encouraging hospitals to take a step towards the digital future. For more information on how PowerGistics can help healthcare workers to navigate this new era, click here.

Further Reading

The Importance of Connectivity in Healthcare